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URI Study Opportunity!

Be a part of research to understand autism better! Researchers Dr. Vanessa Harwood and Dr. Alisa Baron, authors of our Early Childhood Language and Literacy Series, use eye-tracking technology to determine subtle differences in where participants look when observing humans speaking. They are studying the differences in how the brain processes subtle aspects of speech so that the scientific community can better understand how autism presents itself. In looking at the parents of people with autism, we hope to find better diagnostic processes, early identification, and better interventions for those with autism. To learn more, read this article from Rhody Today

Harwood and Baron continue to recruit study participants interested in learning about their audio-visual speech perception and helping contribute to the growing body of knowledge around one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the United States. 

Anyone who has a child with autism and is interested in participating can contact Dr. Baron or Dr. Hardwood at ccnl@etal.uri.edu.

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RI Science of Reading Conference September 14, 2024 -West Warwick High School *More information coming soon!

Last modified: Monday, May 6, 2024, 9:36 AM